Monday, January 21, 2008


we will update soon.

we – well, I  – have been a bit lazy.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Happy New Year to all, and to start the new year off we thought we’d give you an update to what will be happening in the Blueneck camp over the coming months.

We’re about to start working on new songs again, which we will record live sessions of and upload here to the site – the first set planned for February. Then the next batch after that, possibly March – all depending on how quickly they take shape. Hopefully then these may possibly form the next album….

Apologies to those who were waiting for the first podcast back in December – we ran out of time. Sorry. Thanks to all those who downloaded the ‘Twelve Days EP’ – we hope you enjoyed it. We’ll leave it up for a while longer for those who missed it.

Enjoy the new year….
