Tuesday, June 30, 2009


...is pretty much complete.... heard the first one... a few issues, but I think the new record sounds pretty damn fine... so we're there basically. Now to iron out the release details. Not sure how long this might take... hopefully not long. We're as keen to get this out as some of you are to get your mits on it, I'm sure.

We shuld be posting the artwork and tracklist soon, so keep tabs on the website for when that happens.

I can't really write something this week without mentioning the death of Michael Jackson. Probably not the most popular figure to those that follow our kind of music, but he did play a big part in my youth... however much recent years have tainted his image/persona/mental health, you can't take away some of those songs from the 70's and 80's we're absolute belters.... RIP Jacko.


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